The Bowtie-Conservative

Finally, Someone is Making Sense Around Here

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I am a bowtie-enthusiast, Conservertive, political-gossip-junkie, and an armchair philosopher who hopes you enjoy his blog. I was born in Delaware, educated in Boston, and now live in Manhattan with Bruno, my Yorkshire Terrier.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Labor Under Attack!

Well, it seems the men behind the curtain have decided to make immigration...or illegal immigration a hot issue again.

I honestly don't get why the right is against cheap labor. Some think they are taking away jobs. This is pretty much debunked as no American really wants to cut grass or layout my pajamas every night. Plus, if they are not allowed to come here, more American businesses will outsource to Mexico and whatever other poor countries are South of us.

Moreover, cheap labor is vital for our economy to prosper and more importantly, our country has a deep and rich heritage of exploiting workers. Where would our country be without slavery or children having worked 12-hour shifts? Surely not in its current position of Global Moral Enforcer.

Others fear the terrorists will sneak through, but come on people. I know people in Texas are racist and stupid, but I think they can tell the difference between Francisco and Fahad.

On the flip side, I DO NOT agree with my liberal friends (yes, I do have a few) that these immigrants should be given citizenship anytime soon.

B-C fans: this is one of those special occasions when yours truly is on the same page as our commander-in-chief. The guest worker plan is really the best of both worlds--cheap labor and not having non-English speakers participate in our democracy. Think about it. Do you really want these workers to vote? The next thing you know they will be voting to raise the minimum wage and completely defeat the purpose of us having them here.

Don't get me wrong. I admire these immigrants. They face dangerous conditions for the opportunity that America offers. All they want to work so they can make a living and send some money home to help their family. How can any red-blooded American not be moved by that?

In addition to the guest worker program, the US should stop its aggressive trade liberalization policies in other countries from where these people come from. That is why all these immigrants are flocking to the US. How do we expect them to make a living in their own country when we are building sweatshops and factory farms and otherwise exploiting their economy and natural resources? Of course they are coming to come here when they can no longer work in their homeland. Its okay to exploit them once they are here, but even I think there can be too much of a good thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bow-tie, you make me sick, yeah, you know, like wanna puke.

on top of that, I keep choking on your typos

4/04/2006 5:02 PM  

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