The Bowtie-Conservative

Finally, Someone is Making Sense Around Here

My Photo

I am a bowtie-enthusiast, Conservertive, political-gossip-junkie, and an armchair philosopher who hopes you enjoy his blog. I was born in Delaware, educated in Boston, and now live in Manhattan with Bruno, my Yorkshire Terrier.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

What a bunch of stupid asses!

You know, sometimes the democrats really amaze me.

I wonder if they are even trying to prevent the Republicans from taking over all three braches of government. I mean, seriously, even I could formulate better arguments against Alito than Kennedy or Biden during his confirmation hearning.

...of coarse, I will keep those to myself...

The New York Times now acknowledges the inevitability of Alito's confirmation.

Honestly, I feel bad for my liberal friends. Some of their arguements are well-organized and it seems they have severe convictions about them. Those who know me can testify that I am certainly not Bush's #1 fan, so I wish they were putting up a better fight, that's all. The Liberal Establishment is not doing a very good job of getting their message accross; of tranlating their values of equal opportunity, economic justice, etc. to the hoi polloi. They could have won in 2000 and 2004 if they had not picked one cardboard personality after the other.

My prediction: 2006 is a whole new deck of cards. Republicans have done an awful job of covering their asses and now the whole Republican Brand is scarred. The Libs will take back the house and senate if they play their cards right. Lets hope for the sake of a healthy political mud-slinging fest that they get their act together. Otherwise, I would question the future existence of a party that reaps so much failure. It's all about money, America. The democrats will eventually lose their funding.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Say "Cheese!"

Good Morning!

I managed to get a picture of myself.

What do you think? Not bad, if you ask me. My wife teases me about those glasses.

I claim to be many things, but cool is not one of them.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Greetings and Welcome

Hello to family, friends, and all my fans.

Well, I have finally done it. I have my own blog! You no longer have to lose sleep over how to get the lastest juicy gossip or musings of yours truly.

For those of you new to my writing, I hope you appreciate not only my wit, but my insight into current events and the workings of the world. I would be most flattered if you decided to visit regularly.

About that and other things. I hope to offer my $0.02 whenever I think its worth it. In otherwords, if all goes according to plan, I will post regularly.

Other things: I am currently picking out a bowtie for my profile pic. I'll upload it as soon as I figure how to work that damn digital camera. (I know many of you are dying to see what I look like--I do indeed read all my fanmail). Also, you can reach me at any time by email. My profile has that datum available for those interested.

Well, I look foward to a prosperous blog if all goes according to plan. Cross your fingers and wish me luck!